***I’m sitting here at two in the morning trying to finish this off so if what follows is a bit rambling then I apologise in advance. Its also taken around two days of prodding and poking at the the drafts to get it to this point so its kind of fragmented. I’ve also split it… Continue reading @media 2010 day 1 thoughts
Category: Subhuman Slavery
Chanting evil
Today was the first day of the Suffolk Skillz event which I was taking part in. As a rep of CSD I was there along with three other able bodied victims to teach them some of the thought process in web design. Its basically 45 minutes of chaos as we run a mini agile scrum… Continue reading Chanting evil
Domed from the start
It was a brave effort which involved little sleep and the death of a printer. Tomorrow (being a Friday and Children in need day) is a ‘wear your hobby to work’ day. Now how the hell does one express 3d animation as an outfit? I’ve left it too late but yesterday night I stumbled across… Continue reading Domed from the start
So tired…
Over the last few weeks I’ve been helping setup a workshop as part of a local event called Suffolk Skillz (with a Z to make it hip). As part of the event, local companies and organizations such as Milsons, the Police, NHS, fire service and CSD have all setup 45 minute sessions which are aimed… Continue reading So tired…
frickin’ laser beams
I’m going to break a rule I mentally promised I would stick to when I started this blog. I told myself never to blog about work, but today was one of those random days which needs to be written down so I can try to understand what happened. Agile training. Its the phrase of the… Continue reading frickin’ laser beams
It was like something from a Hitchcock film…
If this was the BBC news then thats how it would have started. As this isn’t the news I had better start it another way. I was at Sidegate primary school yesterday to help with the new server install and I made sure i was there nice and early (7:30) as one of the server… Continue reading It was like something from a Hitchcock film…