Many eons ago (mid 2012), I sculpted a statue that I thought would be a bit of fun, would end up on my shelf and never be touched again. Cthulhu. Originally I wanted to make a Deep One statue but I couldn’t come up with a nice design I liked so ended up making the… Continue reading Casting Cthulhu
Tag: Cthulhu
I’ve been a listener to the Call of Cthulhu based Podcast “The good friends of Jackson Elias” for a while now and, every year for their Patreon backers, they send out a Fanzine inspired book. This years cover was drawn by the genius that is Evan Dorkin and before my copy arrived, I thought I’d… Continue reading Pad’Thulhu
Casting Cthulhu
I’ve been asked a few times over the last couple of weeks how I actually mould and cast my statues. So rather than do a project update blog, I’m going to talk a little about how I cast my statues using (appropriately enough) a brass Cthulhu that I cast last weekend. Before I actually start… Continue reading Casting Cthulhu
Admirable Cthulhu
It’s another Cthulhu related post! Wooooo! Nothing like being a one trick pony. Fhtagn! I’ve sort of mentally decided that I’m only going to blog about projects when they’re finished, rather than step by step updates, which means less posts but hopefully more useful/interesting content. This one is about my experiments with hacking up an… Continue reading Admirable Cthulhu
Cthulhu vs Cancer pt 2
I’m really pleased to say that the sale of the green Cthulhu on ebay for Cancer Research UK sold this afternoon for £180 and I’m blown away by how much it went for. I honestly didn’t expect it to go for so much and thank you very much to the winner (who ever you are),… Continue reading Cthulhu vs Cancer pt 2
Cthulhu vs Cancer
A few weeks ago @Mikimus_Prime tweeted that he was setting up a charity auction to raise money for Cancer Research UK after his mum died recently from it. My uncle also passed away from Cancer and its something that deep down I’m terrified of. All those paints, the fibreglass, the dust, the drink etc… I’ve… Continue reading Cthulhu vs Cancer