I’m part of a local 15th Century reenactment group that has been going for a few years now. It’s been a loose-knit group for a while and I have been doing a few ad-hoc designs for posters or graphics when needed. We finally thought it was time to get a proper brand and group identity… Continue reading Suffolk Swords branding
Category: 2d
2d work including illustrator, photoshop or similar
A few months/years/whenever ago someone made a glib about my sites ‘tutorials’ section only containing one tutorial. As most of the other stuff I have written in the past for things like AE are all out of date I have now scrapped the tutorials section and replaced it with a freebies section in a rather… Continue reading Freebies
I had the weird thing pop into my head last night as I was dozing off. So I sketched it at work today and have spent the last hour or three (with Saving private Ryan going in the background) drawing him. Also I had a craving for ice cream earlier and I thought he may… Continue reading ME WANT ICE CREAM!
Seriously need to finish this now
Is anyone else bored with this? (Hell is anyone even reading this drivel?) I’m getting bored of it which means I may never finish the damn thing. Just the left arm to do then shading on the skull, some more of the body then I’m calling it quits. One problem. I don’t know what to… Continue reading Seriously need to finish this now
Chanting evil
Today was the first day of the Suffolk Skillz event which I was taking part in. As a rep of CSD I was there along with three other able bodied victims to teach them some of the thought process in web design. Its basically 45 minutes of chaos as we run a mini agile scrum… Continue reading Chanting evil
They call him Sir
As requested, I started to produce a short tutorial based around how I did my previous two posters and found a photo of the sucker person who requested the tutorial. I have started it and took many screen caps during the process and now face the job of writing up my notes. Not an easy… Continue reading They call him Sir