Quite a long time ago (about 5 years I think, which is a long time for me) I wanted to make a Lawgiver from the 2012 film Dredd because… well its Dredd, and its a cracking film. It took quite a while to get round to making it but here its is, in all its resin glory.
It was built from a bunch of 3d printed parts that I assembled around a broken Glock BB gun and then spent the next few months carefully sanding and smoothing it.
Once I was happy with it, I primed it ready for casting.
Casting followed my general plan of winging it. I encased half of it in plasticine, built a wall of foamcore around it and poured in silicone. Once that was set, I flipped it over, removed the plasticine and repeated the wall/silicone part.
The original was then pulled out of the mould carefully and it was ready for casting.
The first pair came out of the mould easily but theres plenty of air bubbles and little bits that need attention. I don’t own a pressure pot so its hard to get them all out but, the clean up of the seam and bubbles don’t take long. An evening or two cleared them up and ready for priming.
In the meantime I made a mould for the magazine.
For the bullets in the magazine, I went for a slightly larger than the film bullets. I wanted them to look obvious and pretty mean so built them from… dolls eyes!
One last piece of the puzzle is the serial number down one side, to make this piece I laser cut the numbers and I’ve done each one as a unique number so every lawgiver has its own S/N.
Painting is fairly straight forward. Using rattlecans, they’re coated in lots of black, some silver is then added to different locations to act as wear and tear and then weathering. Weathering was done using oil paint (mainly burnt sienna and browns) smeared on, left and then wiped off. The bullets are painted brass and silver before being glued into the magazine. Also added are some small clear plastic sheets to the magazines to act as windows.
I also laser cut a persex stand to mount the lawgiver.
I’ve made four so far and they’re pretty heavy as they’re solid resin but they have a good weight to them.
If you want to see more build photos, have a look at my google album: Lawgiver gallery
Are any of these still available?
Hi, I do still have the moulds so could probably make up another if you wanted one. I have to be careful over UK laws for selling replica firearms. I can sell kits of this.