As mentioned in my previous blog post, I had a talk lined up at FE Suffolk about my dabbling with the three.js library. While it went well, I did my usual trick of planning well in advance but clamming up on the actual talk. Below is a link to all of the scenes/files I showed… Continue reading three.js at FE Suffolk
Category: Front End Suffolk
I’m making a note here, huge success
Well, nearly… Monday night (May 27th) was FE Suffolk night and I’d volunteered to give a talk about my use of Cinema 4d and how I have used it to make content for websites, games, videos and other such tomfoolery. To try and make it interesting to the web people in the audience who have… Continue reading I’m making a note here, huge success
Talking of colour
I’d better get this up now before it vanishes from my memory. I gave a talk on Monday night at the loverly Brewery Tap pub for the loverly Front End Suffolk about loverly colour. A vague subject perhaps, but I wanted to give a bit of grounding to people who may not have known some… Continue reading Talking of colour