Big Trouble in Little China, one of my favourite films. A few years ago an artist I follow posted a photo of something that really made me laugh which was a mashup of Big Trouble and Warcraft and for ages I thought I’d love to have a go at sculpting it. So before I go… Continue reading Big Trouble in Little China + Warcraft = David Lo Panda
Category: sculpting
Tools of the trade
I’ve been asked a couple of times about the tools I use on my sculptures. The main tools are my hands, that sounds a bit patronising, but it’s true. I’ll roll, push, poke, prod and generally mash Sculpey or clay around with my fingers to get the shapes. As for tools, heres some of my… Continue reading Tools of the trade
Welcome to the Hinterland
Poor old blog… ignored for aaaaaages. I’d like to put it down to being really busy but its also that I’m too damn lazy to update this place. Still, not as bad as the five month gap between the previous two. So whats been happening in the last couple of months? Well, the Bertram Fiddle… Continue reading Welcome to the Hinterland
You don’t know Jack
Jack O’Lantern sculpture. Another project finished and, as it’s that time of year, I have finished another of the now traditional Halloween sculptures. One of the blogs I follow is Yog-blogsoth by Michael Bukowski. The illustrations are all based on different parts of the Lovecraft Mythos and its refreshing to see a Mythos blog which… Continue reading You don’t know Jack
Cupcake Fairy
Another month, another finished project and this one is a bit of a change of tack from my usual stuff as it’s a fairy. This was produced as a commission for a chap to give to his girlfriend as a gift and the brief ran vaguely along the lines of: a fairy with bee-wings (NOT… Continue reading Cupcake Fairy
Admirable Cthulhu
It’s another Cthulhu related post! Wooooo! Nothing like being a one trick pony. Fhtagn! I’ve sort of mentally decided that I’m only going to blog about projects when they’re finished, rather than step by step updates, which means less posts but hopefully more useful/interesting content. This one is about my experiments with hacking up an… Continue reading Admirable Cthulhu