Following on from the finishing of Freyja last week, I finally had a chance to put some hours into a couple of projects to get them nearer to finishing. Magneto The main one is that my Magneto helmet is just about done. I used Ford Purple velvet and Peugeot diablo red (both Halfords brand) for… Continue reading Magnetic goddess
Category: Norse
Finding Freyja
Freyja is slowly rolling out of the mould with the very first one coming out nice and cleanly after I spent around six hours making the mould a few weekends ago. I’m now a firm supporter of Smooth-on’s Dragon skin fx pro (which I get from Bentley) as my mould making material of choice. It’s is very easy… Continue reading Finding Freyja
Projects of future past
Hey look, its another reeeeeaaaally long gap between two blog posts. Ho hum… One of the projects I’ve been working on I had hoped to get finished by this weekend as it sees the release of X-Men: Days of future past and I was hoping to tie in a bit. Yet in my own typical… Continue reading Projects of future past
December Update
As the year is blindly lumbering towards the cliff edge known as New Years Day, I thought I’d do an update about what is stirring the mancave. Cthulhu Due to a random series of events I have a bronze Cthulhu filling up space in the cellar so I’ve dropped the price by £10 to try… Continue reading December Update
God created Arrakis to train the faithful
I don’t know about training the faithful but it’s been training my poker face. A few more games of Dune under the belt and I’ve been enjoying how you can use the cards to create layers of intrigue and out and out base cunning. We only managed to round up five players this time, but… Continue reading God created Arrakis to train the faithful
Finished Thor
Another month, another lack of bloggage, but I do have good reason as I’ve been working like a hardworking metaphor on several projects and I’ve finally finished Thor and started casting. The finished piece come is at around 6 inches high and I’ve made the first few out of bronze and one brass test piece.… Continue reading Finished Thor