I had a spare bit of resin when casting something one afternoon. I hate wasting resin which could be used, so poured it into an ageing Mechanicus seal mould. The final piece was a bit air bubbly but I didn’t expect it to be perfect, the resin was already starting to cure. With some polishing… Continue reading Adeptus Mechanicus cold cast badges
Category: Mechanicus
He’s not pretty…
…but he sure is starting to look good. Between zbrush crashing about half a dozen times and a memory error on c4d (must remember to not use such big textures) i’m shocked I got anything done on him. Arms next? Or maybe his mouth guard thingy. The head robes need a good texture to help… Continue reading He’s not pretty…
Glass jaw
Prompted by a tweet last week I signed up for subdivision_modeling last week to take part in a contest to model a humanoid head with a metal jaw. As I have often tried to get into zbrush (only after owning it for 5 years) I figured it would be a good place to start. I… Continue reading Glass jaw
Anyone know a good dentist?
I’ve started back on the servo skull and begun to do his teeth. I’ve blocked out the set with primatives and have started to form the front six. What has struck me is the state i left the mesh in. The skull itself is rather dense (much like my own) and the nurnies are not… Continue reading Anyone know a good dentist?