Another update. Not even sure if anyone is reading these. When we last saw our intrept manservant he was waiting to see if he would be mass produced or just become a one of a kind. Well, after a tense finale, the Kickstarter made it and the cloning tanks started to output a host of… Continue reading FIDDLING WITH BERTRAM – GAVIN PART 2
Category: Kickstarter
Fiddling with Bertram – Gavin part 1
Blimey. Five months since the last post… I’ve not died, I’ve just not finished any projects off in that time. This is a bit rubbish but I have been busy, honest. In fact I’ve finished the Goddess recently and also reached a halfway stage on the project I’ve asked you all here to talk about.… Continue reading Fiddling with Bertram – Gavin part 1
Vigilantees kickstarter – update 1
The Vigilantees Kickstarter has been up for a week now, so its time for a quick update to show the first two kickstarter figures I’ve finished. I’m not sure if any of these have names as such, other than Vigilantee, so I’ve been giving them random nicknames. The first ones I’ve finished are the the… Continue reading Vigilantees kickstarter – update 1
Kickstarter the year
Kickstarter Well this is going to be interesting. Duncan Craig AKA Zombiemedia AKA that bloke wot I dun a tutorial about is doing a kickstarter about tshirt design. So at this point you’re probably thinking “how much is he paying you to promote this kickstarter?” but the thing is, the poor fool asked me to… Continue reading Kickstarter the year