Sliding further into nostalgia (or should that be nausea) brings me to the next character I did which was Mitch Hunter. This name seems to be one of the stock names with Mutant Chronicles and old Mitch turns up in the rulebooks, the comics and the film (as played by Thomas Jane) but every single… Continue reading Mutant Chronicles pt2
Category: Mutant Chronicles
Necromutant poster
Back when I was handing in the final maquettes for my design module I also took the chance to knock up some posters based on the models. Sadly I can’t find the artwork anymore so I’ve had to resort to photographing the printouts which has resulted in loss of detail and weird colours. Heres Mr.… Continue reading Necromutant poster
Mutant Chronicles pt1
Back in the late 90’s, as I was finishing off my art & design degree, I stumbled across some RPG books down at the Sunday boot sale at Portman road. It was the core rulebook from Mutant Chronicles along with the Capitol expansion rulebook. Being a collector of random rubbish, I bought them and took… Continue reading Mutant Chronicles pt1