Spongebob Squarepants Pineapple House

Are you ready kids?Aye-aye captain.I can’t hear you…Aye-aye captain! OooooOOooo Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea? That’s quite enough of that… I wanted to make something fun for my daughter as a Christmas pressie for her Uni flat and stumbled across a planter in the shape of Spongebob Squarepants house on Thingiverse and… Continue reading Spongebob Squarepants Pineapple House

Masks of Nyarlathotep – The Golden Ward prop

The golden ward painted

The following post is about making a small prop of the Golden Ward for the the Masks of Nyarlathotep Peru chapter so contains minor spoilers. Spoilers ahead As part of the first session, the investigators stumbled onto a mysterious golden item in the basement storage area of a university they visited. I wanted to make… Continue reading Masks of Nyarlathotep – The Golden Ward prop

Finished Thor

Another month, another lack of bloggage, but I do have good reason as I’ve been working like a hardworking metaphor on several projects and I’ve finally finished Thor and started casting. The finished piece come is at around 6 inches high and I’ve made the first few out of bronze and one brass test piece.… Continue reading Finished Thor

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