God created Arrakis to train the faithful

I don’t know about training the faithful but it’s been training my poker face. A few more games of Dune under the belt and I’ve been enjoying how you can use the cards to create layers of intrigue and out and out base cunning. We only managed to round up five players this time, but… Continue reading God created Arrakis to train the faithful

Now it’s complete because it’s ended here

Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife — chopping off what’s incomplete and saying: “Now it’s complete because it’s ended here.” I’ve just about come to the end of my Dune odyssey, I’ve got a few final bits to tidy up but the main build is over. Time to chop off what is incomplete. I… Continue reading Now it’s complete because it’s ended here

A bit of old Roleplay

No not that kind you smutty minded troglodytes. I’m on about the multisided dice type while talking about robes, staffs and magic spells… Well ok, it could pass for the smut laden filth you lot started thinking about at the start. This post is an attempt to chronicle a bit of my fractured memory from… Continue reading A bit of old Roleplay

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