Just throwing these out as I’ve done a couple of quick renders to see how its going. There are still some missing textures and the lighting is a bit rough.
Category: Babylon 5
Lick of paint update
I’ve started to add some textures to the cockpit after a week of redoing the UV’s. I felt all smug with myself for using zbrush’s UVmaster to create the UV’s but it seems that they are a bit too slapdash for hard surface modeling. Serves me right for trying to cut a few corners. I’ve… Continue reading Lick of paint update
Breaking the silence
Its been over a month since my last blog post… terrible by my normally rambling standard so to make up heres some updates on various things. 1) The blog and website have had a bit of tweak. The website has had a few mobile issues fixed which have been bothering me for ages and have… Continue reading Breaking the silence
Just about done
So, there is it. I should point out that the view out of the window is NOT what will be in the game. I’m not saying what the view will be but its not anything like that. I found a painting of Rama which kind of fits with the circular view of the B5 station… Continue reading Just about done
panel lines
Grah… tired…. must….. post…. neeeeed….. beeeeed….. So the panel lines are on, now I need to colour the panels then the walls are done and I feel I need to add that I’m still working on the tree/bush/potplants. “Time for bed” said Zebedee.
Light em up
Hmmm a massive lack of updates on here for pretty much everything due to being rather busy with several things, better do something about that I guess. I started having a mess around with rendering the office scene (not a patch on some peoples renders though) I used a luminance material on the lights in… Continue reading Light em up