It may not be obvious by now but I have a lot of miniatures. I’ve been buying them, including Games Workshop stuff, since the 80s and I have a big soft squidgy spot for Imperial Guard. I’ve been stripping my old minis and repainting them recently. So you can see, I like the old style… Continue reading Ryza Pattern Lasgun
Category: 40k
Genestealer Patriarch
All hail the four armed emperor! This was another of my ‘start building, take years to finish’ projects. I was given one of the old classic seated patriarch models from Warhammer 40k but it was missing the throne. That’s nothing that will stop me, so I started designing. Started in Nov 2016, it wasn’t finished… Continue reading Genestealer Patriarch
Blood Axe Ork Kommando
I’ve got a soft spot for Ork lads. It’s sort of green and a bit spongy. Every now and then I find an image that I really like and that inspires me to sculpt something. I came across this illustration by DiegoGisbertLlorens aaaaages ago and thought I’d have a go at doing a large-sized piece… Continue reading Blood Axe Ork Kommando
Adeptus Mechanicus cold cast badges
I had a spare bit of resin when casting something one afternoon. I hate wasting resin which could be used, so poured it into an ageing Mechanicus seal mould. The final piece was a bit air bubbly but I didn’t expect it to be perfect, the resin was already starting to cure. With some polishing… Continue reading Adeptus Mechanicus cold cast badges
Ork Glyph
I wanted to try some quick and simple 3d modeling in Cinema 4D to have a little practice. I came up with the idea of a 40k Ork Freebooterz symbol after a suggestion on a Discord server and quickly threw something together which would print easily. The mesh is a little messy but it did… Continue reading Ork Glyph
Warhammer 40k Plasma Pistol prop
I saw this plasma pistol prop on thingiverse a while ago and its been in the back of my mind as a possible build for a while. As I wanted something to distract me that wasn’t too mentally challenging during the COVID lockdown, I broke out a roll of filament and started printing. This is… Continue reading Warhammer 40k Plasma Pistol prop